Sunday, October 14, 2012

Moku Hanga?  Yes!  It is best known as a traditional Japanese style of wood block printmaking.  While it has ancient roots in China, it reached wide-spread acclaim as ukiyo-e, (translated as "pictures of the floating world") between the 17th and 20th centuries.  With the advent of mechanized printing processes, moku hanga evolved more purely into an art form embraced by people of all ages; school children, hobbyists and fine artists.

Art lovers in America have always appreciated the images made in the moku hanga technique.  The transparent colors, the variety of techniques, and the totally hand-made nature of moku hanga make it appealing to many people.  It seems to have captured the imagination of many artists in the early 1970's.  Now there are hundreds of moku hanga artists in the U.S. producing an amazing spectrum of images.

As I figure out how to work the many features of this blog, I will add links to other sites that will give much more detailed information including galleries, resources and events.  I'll also post pictures of prints I've completed and perhaps of some works in progress.  As you will see, even the carved blocks are, by themselves, works of art.

So...for now...please leave any comments or questions and I'll do my best to respond.  And as always...enjoy!